  關       於 宏碁資訊電子雜誌出版服務平台,為您呈現全球雜誌,提供最新鮮最熱門的知識與視野。內容圖文並茂之外,最新的內容也取得快速,透過行動載具即可隨時閱讀雜誌,讓您跨閱世界,同步全球。
  訂購版本 外文雜誌:共訂閱21種刊物
  更新頻率 依據刊物而有所不同
  使用期限 外文雜誌:即日起~2024年12月31日
About It is a reading platform, exhibiting the magazines published from all over the world, supplied by AEB e-Publishing Service Platform. Not only excellent in pictures and articles, but update new contents rapidly. You can also read those magazines via mobile devices any time. It gives you the newest and the most popular knowledge and horizon, makes you keep step with the global trend.
Available Subscription Foreign magazines:Total:21 kinds of subscriptions.
Update Frequency Depending on each publication.
Subscription Period Foreign magazines:From now ~ 2024/12/31